Office of
Curriculum & Instruction
Ms. Amanda Kavanagh
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, 7-12
Dr. William Hender
Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, K-6
- 2024-25 Consolidated Application for ESSA-Funded Programs
- Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum Mapping: Grades K through 12
- IT Parent Help
- 2022-2025 Approve NYS Technology Plan
- Grades 6-12 academic presentation
- National PTA Parent's Guide
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Parent’s Guide to Next Generation Standards
- Multilingual Learner/ English Language Learner Parent Resources
- Next Generation ELA Standards
- Next Generation Mathematics Standards
- New York State Graduation Requirements
- New York State Standards
- Resources for Parents of Students with Disabilities
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
- South Huntington UFSD RtI Manual
- South Huntington UFSD Parent RtI Pamphlet - English / Spanish
- Smart Schools Investment Plan 1
- Smart Schools Investment Plan 2
- Smart Schools Investment Plan 3
- Smart Schools Investment Plan 4
- Smart Schools Investment Plan: Presentation for Phase 5